J. Felton Powell

James Powell, a native of Birmingham, Alabama grew up in the western section of Jefferson County. He graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Art from Alabama State University and later attended Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. He was awarded a Diploma of Graphic Design and Illustration. James has won several awards in visual art which include the First Place Award for his Illustration of Renaldo Nehemiah, Gold Medal Award from the Federated Stores for advertising, and The Artee Award for Outstanding Contributions for promoting art in the public school system. He has worked as a muralist, illustrator, graphic designer and an art teacher. He recently won third place at the Southern Heartland Art Gallery in Covington, Georgia for his portrait of his grandson Isaac entitled “Isaac I Am.”

James now resides with his wife, Janie in Conyers, Georgia. Since retiring from the education arena, James has a renewed passion for his art.